Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Let's just go quietly

We did a 13.8m walk, "On and Off the Wall Day One" today. At Aesica Roman Fort, the farmer was rounding up sheep and lambs, probably for dosing and docking. At times the rounding up seemed very calm, then every so often a sheep would make a run for it and be brought back by men or dogs. This all took place with the backdrop of Hadrian's Wall and Cawfields Quarry.

It was a super walk. The rain held off until mid afternoon when we were on the highest (and oftern windiest) point on the Wall at Winshields Crags. It didn't rain too long. On our way downhill Harry spotted a moonwort, all on its own in the middle of the path.....very strange but great to see a rarity like this.

One more day to go.........

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