Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Pork Pie

A couple of nights ago I had a short twitter exchange with @Jayman888, during which the blipping of a pork pie was mentioned!

So, here it is! The Wonderspouse bought it for me today, and we had it for supper (after taking a picture of it first).

Been a low day today. Woke up feeling totally exhausted, as though I'd been hit by a bus. E-mailed my tutor to ask for a bit more time on my maths assignment, which she agreed to (revised deadline - Monday).

Spent much of the day asleep on the sofa. I've also been unable to get my temperature right - too hot one minute, freezing cold the next.

Have also felt low. Not helped by someone not being very nice to me. Someone who came back to facebook, but decided to hide their wall from me (and apparently me alone). Most of the time I cope with this person's cruelty to me, but when I'm feeling like this, I don't.

I did manage to do a bit of light housework, but that was about it.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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