Capital adventures

By marchmont

Military matters

My grandfather was an 'Old Contemptible'. a Royal Scot who was sent from India to France at the beginning of August 1914. He was based in Arras, in Northern France. My father's grandfather probably fought in the Boer War. My father was in the Royal Signals in Egypt and Greece in WW2. My mother was in the WRNS - in Lowestoft and Mill Hill, London.

I'm the only generation which hasn't been in the Services. I was/am against war, Vietnam, Iraq - I demonstrated against the Iraq war, first time I'd been on a demo since 1976! I remember being in Australia in 1971, my cousin's husband fought in Vietnam, the US soldiers came to Sydney on r & r.

#1 son at 19 was an Officer in the Highlanders (in charge of a foot 'n mouth burial site in Dumfries, he took Tony Blair round, his 5 mins of fame on BBC) and then in Iraq (with 7 Scots (TA)) and last year in Afghanistan with 1 Scots (as a Captain in 6 Scots, TA).

I am very, very proud of our son. He is an admired and respected officer. His Afghanistan medal arrived today. The CO wanted to award it to him, but it'll be me who takes it out to him in KL in less than 3 weeks. His father should be there to see it, but I doubt he will be, stupid man. He has another priority.

I am very, very proud of MY son. And I will be very proud to give him this medal.

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