an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Guess What

Las night was a dreadful nights sleep due to chesty illness and not any better this morning. So I was resighned to the sick bed today. After an hour and a half of hacking up and drinking tea I managed to get some rest. Wife was very nice and took the little ones ones out all day so that I could have some peace.

As the afternoon wore on I felt better and even managed a walk to the chemist for hot lemon and vitamin C and then on to the park to find Wife and the children to tell them they could come back home. Stupidly I let my slight healthyness go to my head and climbed on the rope climbing frame toddler was on and promptly fell off. I now have a nice rope burn on my knee pit.

Anyway all this bed rest has meant I did not have the energy to look further than a metre from my bed to blip. I bought this the other day and I have no idea what it is. I bought it because it looked interesting and was 50p.

It seems to be some sort of filter or lens that goes on a silver clip. A little white haired brush came with it in its little box and something else seems to be missing from the box. The box carries the name Olympus. It is not actually that small but I used the magnifying glass for effect.

So if any of you have any idea what it actually is please tell me as I would love to know, it may even be of some use other than just to fill a gap of a sick blip.

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