this luminous life.

By Laura

High Rise.


Busy day.
Laundry & bits of homework/cleaning/whatever in the morning.
Then a trip down into town,
where I finally got a library card at the public library
(although I only have a few weeks left here.. ha)
and checked out a few books for the kids at the junior high
along with a couple movies for myself.
Then went to the village coffee shop
to treat myself to some chai tea while working on homework.
Afterwards, I walked to the pizza place in town
and ordered myself a delicious pizza. I ate the whole thing :-D
After I finished my homework there,
I went back to my room for an hour or so before heading to work.
Now I'm back, updating...
and after this I need to finish a paper.
I'm exhausted, again.
This is going to be a busy week....

Other shots:
*I actually like some of my links here better than the posted blip
but kept it since it was where I spent most of my day & stuff :)

-Crosswalk in the middle of the street.
The cars actually stop for pedestrians in this small town!
-One of the churches on the corner.
I played around a lot in PS and loved the outcome.
-My cup of root beer.

[A year ago today... mimicking 16x9's original blips. (and also the day I lost 50 pictures on my camera!!)]

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