My dog, the heater hog

Poor B is recuperating after his shoulder surgery. He was chilly this morning and put the wee fan heater on to warm himself up. Within seconds, Cousteau had muscled in. First a paw, then a second. Finally, the whole body block. He even had his head on B's knee at one point, gazing lovingly up at him. The fraud!

Apart from that excitement today, I got up late. I walked the dog. I tidied up a bit. I had my hair cut.

Now I'm off to Rae's. We're going to the school formal together. Since B can't come due to his surgery, I decided to take Rae instead. I'm tired and full of a cold; but these are my babies. I've been their form tutor for 5 years now, and it's only right that I should be there. No matter how horrible I'm feeling.

I'd better go and get ready now.

I'll leave the boys to the heater and catch you guys tomorrow.


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