Daily Wild

By emyjane

On my own two feet

Much better viewed large

Well one hopes he/she will be eventually! There's still a number of these fledged blackbirds hanging around - might possibly be something to do with the worms I feed them? Haha could be... If any of you remember I gave the babies a collective name of Godzilla & yeah, they come to their names now too! Me in the morning calling "Larry, Elgar, Bonnie, Clive, Godzilla's, Sid Little..." The neighbours must think I'm nuts.. good for them, let them think that, I am!

Sunshine today, but so windy - unfortunately I had the macro lens on for this shot (I must be crazy attaching that lens in the wind, but I was itching to do macro, even though ultimately every shot would turn out rubbish - it did!) And another big unfortunately is that's it's horse fly season & yeah, I got bitten, badly... all for the sake of photography & blip, the things I go through, nettles, bramble, thistles, horse flies... ;-)

Thanks again to all the comments, hearts & stars from yesterday's blip & yeah, Spotlight again... xxx

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