RAF Again!

Best viewed plain large (plain, plane, get it? I'll get my coat...)

RAF filled the skies today & Lil' Larry found this most interesting! I have never seen a robin look up quite like this before, I've seen them look to the side, but never fully up! In this pose he showed off his newest red/orange feathers... every day he becomes more adult like!

He's now moved to the hawthorn hedge, & sits happily on my cherry tree, planted for me by my Dad on my Birthday of 2 years ago... this little bird knows the way to my heart... esp how he stands on the cherry tree post & stretches!

The light was very different today, it was overcast & the heat wet & close - the colour saturation on my camera was very different from it's usual vividness - it was still on the usual settings... it simply just muted the light & colour!

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments, hearts & stars from yesterday's happy hopper, I'm, to tell you the truth, constantly amazed & overwhelmed by all of you, every day & I feel so bad as I'm always late in commenting, tiredness overcomes me, in the morning I'm straight outside, either to my studio or with my camera & if it doesn't rain, I'm outside all day - so commenting takes a while! xxx

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