Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Anniversary Breakfast!

Nine years ago today the Wonderspouse and I got married! At the time I didn't have the faintest clue just how wonderful he'd turn out to be. I liked him, of course, and was attracted to him, but I didn't have the first inkling of JUST how brilliant a husband he was destined to become.

And so, after 9 years of ups and downs (probably inevitable, given that we're both bipolar), we celebrated our anniversary by doing together exactly what we'd done separately on the morning of our wedding - eating potted meat for breakfast! If you want to know the whole story of the potted meat, you can read it on this blog post that I wrote a couple of years ago.

The last 9 years have certainly seen some difficult times (bereavements, infertility, breakdowns, near-bankruptcy, redundancies and so on), but they've also seen some great ones (travels, a relaxed home life, cats, rats, concerts, gigs & festivals, new jobs, academic success, getting on with each other's families, great food, and the simple pleasure of just being together)!

Today was one of the busy sort of days. While the Wonderspouse got the potted meat ready I opened our anniversary pressie from my Mum, which appeared, at first, to be a box of cat food (she often puts pressies in boxes to make them easier to wrap). In the end it was a couple of mugs with willow pattern on them (the 9th anniversary is pottery & willow) with some money in each mug! The Wonderspouse and I BOTH think of Bagpuss and turtles every time we see willow pattern - see here and then (more importantly) here if you want to know why - the similarity to the scenery in the wise man story is uncanny!

Then it was back to the morning routine, Wonderspouse to bus stop, then I had to take the car in to get its sump fixed at the garage. As it turned out, it also needed a new spare tyre (on which we spent the wedding anniversary present money - thanks Mum), but it was ready to collect by lunchtime, so I went and collected it!

I then spent the afternoon doing maths. Life has been so busy recently, and I've been taking care of the Wonderspouse, who got a bit over-fried in early July, so I've got rather behind with this assignment. By late yesterday afternoon I made the decision to submit part of the assignment, and not to make myself ill trying to catch up. I have such good marks on the other assignments that it won't affect my result significantly if I score low on just this one. Furthermore, this week is turning out to be much busier than originally planned, with unexpected interviews and boiler services and finally having enough money to take 2 of the cats to the vets for slightly overdue booster jabs!

By the evening I was exhausted, and, as it turned out, rather hungry! The Wonderspouse had bought nice warm bread rolls, prosciutto, smoked salmon, 2 sorts of good cheese, and Krispy Kreme donuts for supper! Yummy!

I may also have had a glass of wine!

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