Snowdrop fortissimo

My wee garden is looking somewhat bleak still. Despite this, the pink camellias brighten up the view from the lounge. Dotted around the remainder of the garden are these wee snowdrops. Very cute, with little spots on their petals; exciting reminders that spring is waiting in the wings, ready to make her grand entrance in a few weeks' time.

It's cold and grey outside and I'm enjoying the blasts of pink out of the corners of my eyes.

A really busy day at work today, but I managed to maintain a positive stance, despite the few departmental headaches that came my way. Nothing I couldn't handle.

My kids were noisy and distracted, but fun to be around. We didn't cover as much work as I would have liked. Sometimes it's not about that though. Sometimes it's about sharing stories about culture. Giving them a colourful picture of France and French life, rather than the dull, black and white world of grammar and worksheets. Sometimes they get so much more out of that.

And sometimes it's about fiddling with photographs until they don't much resemble the original, but are so much more interesting to the eye. Well, to mine at least.

Night all.

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