It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Oh woofin eck, I HATE ceilings....!

Well, what a day I have had for a puppy like me. I don't really know where to start. I think I will start with telling you about this photo......

I went to Marma and Grandad's house this afternoon....yipppppeeee! Mum was off to have her hair done for a couple of hours (why it takes that long I just don't know?!) so Marma and Grandad took me on a lovely long walk and then I played ALOT of tug with Grandad. I LOVE grandad, he plays with me like daddy does and I always know when I do something naughty as he has a VERY stern NO just like daddy! hee hee but I normally just give him "the eyes" and I'm not in trouble long!!

When mum got back we walked to the pub for tea. I laid under the table everso nicely. Just like Molly the gorgeous Collie taught me when I met her last week. We tried to do a blip from there but mum didn't take any treats to help me concentrate and there was ever such a lot going on, I couldn't sit still between Marma and Grandad long enough!

So here I am back at their house trying to pose see....I have a bit of a problem........

It all started last night, I had been feeling grrry and woofy all day as you know but then at 2.30 in the morning I woke up to see this thing....staring at me from the kitchen ceiling, it was shiny and all wierd, just hanging there.....and then the ceiling.....what's that all about?? Just up there...above me....looking down at woowooowoooowwwooooowooooooffffff I went, woowoooowwooooooowwooooooffffff and on and on and on and on. I didn't like it one bit. I heard stomp stomp stomp and then the lights flicked on and it was MUM.....zoomie exciting, why was mum coming to see me in the middle of the night??? yipppppeeeeeeee. I forgot all about the wierd ceiling and jumped all over her.

After 10 minutes I calmed down and mum said time for bed....I like those words, I go and sit in my bed and wait for my special bedtime treat. Mum switched off the lights and I snuggled down.

Then....a couple of hours later I woke again and the shiny thing was STILL THERE....and the ceiling...I mean what is that all about.......woooowoooowwooooowwwooofffffff wooof wooooffff off I went again. I went on and on and on and on until this time stomp stomp stomp DADDY came to see me!

So it was quite a night....but today, I am still VERY suspicious of ceilings and the thing that I found out is a spotlight...or in fact any kind of light. What are they all about? hanging there like a balloon....dodgy looking things grrrr grrrrr grrrrrr

As soon as I got home from marma's house tonight I gave the spotlight a good old woofing and grrrring. Until mum got up on the table and STOOD NEXT TO the spotlight and was TOUCHING it grrrrrrr grrrrrr grrrrrrrr. "No mum stop" I woofed. Then daddy PICKED ME UP to get close to the spotlight (and that is not easy I weigh 18kilos!) I did stop woofing in the end. Perhaps it is not so bad after all. Nothing bad happened to mum??

I hope it doesn't try and spook me tonight.........mum has just said so does she!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps take a look HERE. My good blip friend Trevor Earthy has been collecting special photos for me. There are number plates for my car when I get one ;-) AND the best thing is the LILY treats.....please go look, it is FAB. Thanks so much Trevor x

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