Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Elderly T-Shirt

This is the design on the t-shirt I'm wearing today. I've discovered the blipfoto editing doofer and fiddled with the brightness & contrast to make it look a bit less faded though! This is a bit of a first for me - apart from a couple I've cropped, all the pics I've ever posted are unprocessed!

The design IS rather faded on my t-shirt, which is also somewhat holey and decrepit, but it's comfy and I like it. I thought I should probably blip the design before it falls to bits completely!! It was bought for me by my parents when they went to the Soviet Union in 1989, and the text says "Gosudarstvenny Russki Muzei" (my transliteration), which means "State Russian Museum".

It's exactly the sort of t-shirt that's suitable for wearing on a day like today. We went briefly into town this morning to get a few groceries, but apart from that have had a day resting on the sofas. We're both too tired to do anything else, and are also trying to conserve energy for the months ahead.

Apart from sleeping and watching the telly, I have managed to reorganize all my apps on my iPhone and to download a few new ones - that's probably the closest I've come to productivity!

But rest is needed. Perhaps I'm finally learning that I can't DO things all the time and that time spent resting is not actually time wasted!

You never know!!!

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