Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

With Ketchup!

A different sort of a day today. The Wonderspouse was given a day of compassionate leave from work and we went down to Devon to visit Mother-in-Law and Father-in-Law before MiL goes for her biopsy on Friday.

MiL and FiL had already warned us that they weren't up to cooking, so lunch would be fish and chips. When we woke up this morning I asked the Wonderspouse whether his parents had ketchup - he didn't know. We decided that we should take some with us, just in case they didn't, since we both like ketchup with our chips!

However, half way there, we realised we'd forgotten the ketchup, so, resourcefully, we stopped at a service station. When I emerged from the ladies, I found the Wonderspouse at Burger King, ordering a bag of chilli cheese bites and chatting up the lady behind the counter, smiling sweetly at her and asking for "lots of ketchup" to accompany the snack!

So we got 8 sachets of ketchup to go with 6 chilli cheese bites. We ate the bites in the car (without ketchup) and took the ketchup with us for lunchtime - it WAS needed, MiL & FiL didn't have any!!

After lunch we gave MiL & FiL pressies & cards ("have courage" pressie for MiL, and early birthday pressies for FiL), and then sat and chatted to them for a few hours, looked at MiL's latest dolls house, and sampled FiL's excellent Sulawesi coffee - he gets the green beans, roasts and grinds them himself, and then makes amazing coffee!

Then it was back to the M5 (where, fortunately, they'd cleared up a rather nasty accident we'd seen on the northbound carriageway on the way down) and back home again to a houseful of hungry felines and a couple of snoozy rats (curled up in the tent). Now we have a quiet evening planned and a comfort supper of spam and beans (at the Wonderspouse's request).

The only other thing to report is that I was EXTREMELY disciplined this morning. We got up a bit later than usual, and the Wonderspouse cooked a weekend-style pancake breakfast. I made the bed and cleaned up the boys' cage a bit, but DID NOT turn the computer on, did not go NEAR the interwebs! Instead I worked on maths, making notes from a whole chapter of my latest study book!

I am DETERMINED to get this BSc, and with discipline I'll be able to do it!!!

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