Journey Through Time

By Sue

Eye of the Hurricane

No, not really. It's a macro of a lovely creamy white rose glowing in the light of the sun, low in the western sky. I softened the edges a bit to concentrate on the center of the rose. This is in my second favorite rose garden to visit in the neighborhood.

Newly retired hubby is sorting, straightening, cleaning, puttering and finding things to put up for sale on e-Bay and Craigslist. He's having a ball. He was pretty thrilled to sell two old Western Hockey League hockey pucks that he found in his desk drawer. He's had them since the late 1960's or early 1970's. These were pucks actually used in the game and came flying out of the rink and near him. So, seeing that there was WHL stuff on e-Bay, he put up a picture of the two pucks to sell together and they sold for $15.51. But today we went to downtown Vancouver for a meeting with our financial planner guy and Bill didn't put in enough quarters in the meter. which resulted in a $15 parking ticket. The Universe likes to balance things out, I think.

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