
Its not often I see a dandelion unfurling, always before and after in various stages but this stage caught my eye today with the two remaining petals waiting for their turn to unfurl contrasting beautifully against the vibrant yellow. This little flower was sheltering under some very strong weeds, protecting it and keeping it out of harms way.

Hubby checked my laptop this morning - its going fine for him! How can that be and its so annoying, he didn't do anything different from me - technology!!! I will be moving those 6 months of photos as I really don't want to lose them and I'm feeling a little edgy and not really trusting this little machine.

Internet has been slow, slow, slow and I'm tired after not sleeping for a few nights. Many thanks for your hearts, stars and words for my sunrise, I'm glad you all enjoyed it :)

I'm off to put the jug on for a cuppa and then I'll come back for a few comments - Have a great week all :)

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