A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A gateless gate

The sun returned today and so I decided to walk up to the next village for my Dr's appointment this afternoon. It was quite breezy but very pleasant walking up through the woods. There was a lovely dappled light coming through the trees and I particularly liked these Yorkshire stone gateposts along the path.

I just love finding these ancient gateposts with little or no purpose. It is a foot path and there is no evidence of a wall or fence either side and obviously no gate either, but someone in years past took the trouble to move these massive blocks of stone to position them where they are now.

I got halfway there (too far to turn back) and realised I had lost my cardigan which I had been carrying. I had to carry on or I would have been late for my appointment. (Note to self and anyone else interested - walking to the Dr's on a hot day means you arrive rather flushed and sweaty and have to apologise when he comes to examine you!!)

I retraced my steps on the way home. It had become even windier and was starting to look ominously dark, and in the field almost at the beginning of my walk, where I had been photographing sheep, sat my cardigan.

Nice walk generally and 'alls well that ends well'.

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