Drippy droppy back to front ladybird

I went around my garden in search of today's blip. Another gorgeous warm spring day.

I found what I was looking for in the carport. It's an overgrown area where weeds flourish and there is always something interesting to be found. Every now and again, JL and I attack the weeds and make it look nice and presentable. It's at its worst at the moment and is just teeming with life.

I had a ridiculous lie-in this morning. I must have needed it; I'm not a natural lierinner!

Up and to some cleaning. I've cleaned the oven door, the hob and the rest of the kitchen. I am now about to embark on a bit of exercise and then will take the dog for his walk to warm down.

The lounge and my bedroom are the next to get the Barking treatment.

And yes, you've guessed it. I haven't written a single report; manana, manana!

Laters people.

Sad news: B's grandfather just slipped away. His breathing got shallower and shallower, until it just stopped. RIP.

Eternal rest grant to him O' Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

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