Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Fruits of the garden

My lovely neighbours have been sharing the fruits of their garden with us again. They are very generous.

It was sunny and clear this morning, but the weather took a serious turn for the worse after lunch with gale force winds and squalls of rain. We had our committee to "wash up" after the festival. Then I had an article to write for the local paper (deadline today) so I was at the computer all afternoon. How difficult can it be to write 500 words?

The result was no time outdoors with my camera. I decided to make a still life. This was shot in electric light and hand held (living dangerously as usual). I like the way the pears appear to dissolve into the black velvet, (it's just shadows that give the effect), and the apple provides the shiny red skin. Think I might eat it now!!

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