A time for everything

By turnx3

Africa Garden

When we got home from church, Roger called his parents and sister, then we had a quick lunch before driving downtown. We were going to a concert at 3pm at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, so this left us time for a short walk in the International Friendship Park by the Ohio river. The morning had been overcast and quite cool, but by the time we'd had lunch the sun had finally put in an appearance and very quickly warmed things up considerably - into the mid 70s! The park is divided into different sections representing the continents - this is the Africa garden, planted with grasses to represent the Savanna grasslands. The concert featured the Westminster Cathedral choir - the choir from the Roman Catholic Cathedral, not to be confused with Westminster Abbey. It was a great concert, followed by a reception, where there was opportunity to speak with the artists. We got talking with the headmaster of the choir school who was traveling with them.

One year ago: Red barn

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