
By earthdreamer

Gritstone Moorland

Space to think (always good for the soul!)

Thanks for the sound advice following yesterday's entry. I got a full eight hours sleep, something I rarely ever manage to do, and as a result have felt absolutely wiped out today! This always seems to happen when I catch up on my sleep. But I also know that by tomorrow I should have my usual energy back. It's a pattern that's quite familiar to me. I'm sure that feeling flat and lethargic this weekend has a lot to do with being my body's way of getting some rest - and a break from the computer. This last month or so it seems that I have almost been living at the keyboard, weekends included. You can only do that for so long without getting jaded.

I took a long run on the moor this afternoon (which I know seems like a strange thing to do when you're wiped out and supposedly listening to your body's demand for rest - but it was a very gentle run punctuated with stops for photography!), which is always good for creating space in my head. At the end of the day, the moors are the reason I live here. I sometimes forget how important it is to create mental space by finding physical space. As a result I think I now understand better why I've been feeling low. But that can wait for another day. Although I feel very guilty about not catching up with people here, I'm determined to spend as little time as possible on the computer today. This has definitely been a Sabbath Sunday!

PS Many thanks to those of you who referred to the featheriness of yesterday's forest. I was so caught up in myself that I hadn't really noticed that. I can always rely upon you to feed me the right title when I'm struggling to find it!

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