Before the Rain.....

Mum and I stood on top of the sand dunes, shivering as the sea air filled our nostrils, the wind caught our hair and created a wild style while the thick clouds rolled on in along with the relatively calm sea - it was not long before the rain struck. Both wearing glasses and our heads bowed low we quietly ran to the warmth of the car as the raindrops lashed at the windscreen.

Tomorrow is the last day, the very last day for the painting of the inside of our house. Its been a long job which started off being earthquake related, soon it will all be done and I will move onto the next step - new curtains for the lounge and our bedroom. Our painter will return in January to complete the outside while we continue to live comfortably inside.

A grey day, a cold day, a bit rainy later in the day and now the warmth of our new look house - it feels gooood!!

Must fly, tea to do as Hubby will be home ever so soon, catch up with you later in the evening - thats Hump Day done and dusted :)

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