
I'm feeling like a day ahead of myself all week and today it feels like Friday, but its not. Perhaps I'm feeling like this as Friday is a public holiday for Canterbury - it is our Agricultural and Pastoral Show but sadly there is less Agricultural than 10 years ago, but most of us will enjoy having time with our families or pottering in our gardens.

For Hubby and I we will be starting the huge task of bringing things back into the house, sorting as we go and hopefully getting rid of many things. The painter has gone and our house is looking fresh, clean and light, he will return in January to spruce up the outside.

Thank you for all of your kind words, hearts and stars of late. I've been very honoured to be gracing the spotlight page and feeling quite overwhelmed as I'm the quiet reserved one, never in the limelight and always take the back seat at meetings etc - I appreciate all of your words and enjoy visiting your journals.

Well late tea and Hubby is on the way home, I'm tired so will rest tonight and recharge in preparation for sorting tomorrow - I'll catch up with you soon.

Enjoy Friday everyone :)

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