Top of the bill

Best viewed top of the bill large

These birds definitely belong on stage, they're great singers, great dancers, great entertainers. The whole sky was full of these starlings again & around 100 came into the garden to feed. So many sat in the bushes in the front garden. Would you believe this photo was taken through the window? Nice day, but cold & I was too busy indoors to notice much.

But I did go & feed Little Larry:

Bright eyes

I'm still very behind with everyone. Trouble is, I go to bed now in the evening & I'm zonked, literally head hits the pillow & I'm sound asleep. Well, up until the early hours, 4am, then it's a stop start time till I get up! But I do look when I snatch a moment, I'm not completely gone on here... yet! ;-) Hope everyone is well xxx

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