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There was really nothing in the sunny garden today... the sun is so low & the hedges still so high, we lose the light very quickly! So earlier on, the melting dew covering the grass blades were the best choice. It's a shot I like doing, as every positional shot is different. And they look like a spaghetti junction, or indeed crossroads! But with rows of grass instead :)

As for Larry:

On the edge

The conservatory is coming along nicely. I'm busily designing digital images on photoshop & then going to my studio after lunch & working there till 6pm. Yet all the work is not making me tired, so I still lie there awake! The cold comes & goes, at the moment I just sneeze a dozen in a row like it's the most normal thing in the world ;) Tomorrow more work. I have up till the 1st of December to get EVERYTHING done, so the pressure is well & truly on, no time to be ill or be tired in between! xxx

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