Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Down With The Kids.....

Mr G likes to think he is down with the kids and up on all the latest trends but this morning when we met our friends for breakfast at Frankie & Benny's we realise we dont have a clue. These are called GoGo's.......not a clue what they do or what you do with them!!!

We had better learn fast as these are the friends we are away with for NY....I am sure we will get a master class then on GoGo's and all the other cool things kids are into nower days!!

We had a lovely lie in till 10 this morning, it was fab - the pups even slept in too. We met our friends for a few hours and are now in the snug reading the papers and stuff. Still stuffed from a massive brunch but we have a chicken marinading in garlic ready to be roasted for dinner later on.

This is what Sunday's are made for I reckon :)

Hope you are all having a lovely day.......and not even thinking about it being Monday tomorrow :D

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