Starting to murmur

Best viewed starting to murmur large

Hooray for sunsets! Or the blip today would be a very fuzzy, blurred blackbird in the process of moving very quickly away from my camera... as they often do (unless they're called Elgar!)

A chance shot. I was watching the sunset develop through my bedroom window & thought I may as well, as I have no blip for today. I pulled on my wellies as the field I take my photographs from is knee high in mud! I stood by the stinking silage bags & took a few shots... & then this shot I took, I could see them through the lens only, not with the naked eye, a small murmuration of starlings flying against the setting sun (or the cloud covering the setting sun, as ever!) Certainly a chance shot. Plus a huge relief shot too! :)

Little you know who...

Larry refined

I hope everyone has had a great day :) xxx

P.S. Painting all today - so didn't get to visit my mum, my dad did, she seems ok, the bone scan was perfect, no problems, no spread, good news, really hope this is going to be the norm now, good news, please Lord, good news xxx

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