Ryde Falls

Not the best of today's photos but it's the one where I felt the most refreshed. I took myself off from everyone else eating lunch and enjoyed the damp coolness of the falls.

People sometimes voice with wonder why anyone lives in Christchurch. It's different for each person but most just can't walk away from their homes where most if not all of their equity is tied up.

The landscape is one of the reasons I live here. Life goes on and I intend to live it large and to the full. Ironically beneath where I tramped today is a myriad of fault lines - such is the nature of where I live and all of New Zealand.

The same forces that unsettle and bewilder us is what shaped the hills and mountains we admire and love. More than likely a fault escarpment is the reason for the water fall I stood and enjoyed.

5.5 hours of outdoors pleasure.

I'm tired now. I squeezed a bit of evening supermarket shopping in and wondered if I might fall asleep and never leave ;-) Then a catch up phone call with Mum (she's doing well). So I will catch up your journals tomorrow.

Yesterday's peaceful Petunia

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