Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Back to normal today, well almost. William slept in until 07.50, making us close to being late for the first day back at school. Carys was excited and could wait to get there, walking in almost without saying goodbye. As we were late I had met our childminder on the way up so William had said 'goodbye' to Carys and I at the first gate and happily walked off with T as we walked to the other gate.

Having dropped C off I headed out for my run, using new gloves and headband. I can categorically say it has rained in the last 24hrs. So muddy underfoot. I hope my new trainers turn up tomorrow as I can't wear todays at the gym on Friday. Almost went head first into a small lake mascarading as a large puddle, saved myself but ended up with a wet knee. Loved every minute of it.

The rest of the day has been spent organising to get a piano next Friday, fighting with John Lewis, ringing an insurance company about my car and whether they have managed to get a response from the woman who bumped it. Oh yes and cleaning the conservatory, not the nicest of jobs but very satisfying. I have also sorted through loads of toys and re-organised, so now there is room for the Christmas presents.

Day with William tomorrow. Looking forward to it, will be interested to see what happens at his swimming lesson.

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