The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

The Globe's Got Talent

A random night out.

Some of the best nights out are spontaneous. We decided late in the week we would trundle down to The Globe in Albany Road in Cardiff for a Battle Of The Bands Night.

I must admit, I have never been to one of these before, so didn't really know what to expect. It was only £3 to get in, so worse come to the worse, we would have a pint or so, and then leave.

The main attraction of going was to see Shadow Of The Sun, which is band including former The Reasoning guitarist Dylan Thompson. We've not really heard anything by them, other than snippets on their facebook page. I must admit, they were pretty darned good. A lot heavier than I expected. They certainly impressed the judges, who gave them an excellent critique of their performance.

We immediately felt sorry for the second band on, called Behind The Line. We figured they were all 16-18 year olds, turned out they were 14-16 year olds! To be fair, the quite easily held their own, not quite in the class of Shadow Of The Sun, who are professional musicians, but they would have learnt a lot from the experience. And to be be fair, they have far more bottle and talent to get up on a stage than I ever have.

The young lady who was their singer was quite a talent when she sung a couple of solo songs, and then the three lads who made up the band, did a jam session after the competition had ended .. they were awesome! They certainly have musical careers ahead of them if they chose to follow that path!

We didn't end up leaving The Globe until gone midnight, and somehow ended up laden with burgers and chips to come home with!

All in all a cracking night, we might venture down again next Friday, as I said .. for £3 you can't really go wrong!

I have stuck a number of pictures up on flickr, click this link to have a look.

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