
By strawhouse

Happy Girl

My girls were full of beans today!
Miss E fell asleep in the car yesterday at 4.30pm and there was nothing I could do to wake her up. Reluctantly I put her to bed - thinking she'd either wake up at 9pm ish or at 4.30am neither of which particularly appealed!
She slept until 7.30am, what an angel!!!! Apparently she came into our room twice in the night to ask Daddy to put her jim-jams on (lazy Mummy had just left her fully clothed!) and then again to ask for milk. But was very sleepy and polite and Mummy wasn't disturbed!!
I love my Wednesdays with Miss L - just her and me relaxing at home until swimming at 3pm. And she slept for 2 hours before lunch which meant I could go on the Wii Fit whilst watching rubbish TV woohoo!!
I also made it to the gym tonight so my legs are aching and I'm feeling weary...

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