Ruffles and pretties

2years 84days

Yes, Princess Katie reigns again today. She clothed herself in pretties, frills and ruffles at about 7am. She put her prettiest pants on, her tights, her frilly knickers and fairy wand. Then later added the tutu to the mix. She did lose the knicks before we left the house. But on her top she put her gymnastics tshirt, a big padded bodywarmer and hot pink trainers on her feet!

This morning was supposed to be her first ballet class, but I'd found out the price was nearly twice what I was first told, so when she got up I offered her a choice about going. She chose to go see Bobbobs, her partner in crime, instead. And she was really pleased to see her. They had a play at the play centre, but both of them at 11.20 knew it was time for nastics. Waiting downstairs wasnt even acceptable. "Go wait our turn", Bobbobs requested. "Take crisps upstairs please" Katie wanted.

We got up to their class and Katie did one full circuit of the apparatus. She was really pleased to find the low beam included and went on that a few times, now confident to go across it without my hand. Until not long ago, she hated the beam. Her and ava ran about like nutters for a little while, playing with a hope attached to a cone. The staff then confused the girls by giving them the puzzles to do straight after the circuit. They were still not impressed when the song wasnt the right Wiggles song. Both of them just looked at their instructor as if to say "what are you doing". And it threw them after that. Katie decided when they used "Quack quack quack" for one of the games that it was the dancing song, so she danced to that one instead. She liked doing her stretches and danced a bit to Build a House. But the second they were allowed on the bars, she was there. So very much her favourite.

We had some food shopping to do after nastics, so headed to the shop. We'd done our shopping, had a picnic, went to a second shop and she decided she wanted to sit down in the cafe for some lunch. The queue had died down so we did. But it was nearly 230 by the time we got back to the car, so as I filled up with petrol, she fell immediately to sleep.

A visit to the library (she spent 20minutes pouring over a grown up book about endangered species) and a walk to a couple of her favourite visit sites (Sooty, the fish at the salon) wrapped up the day. When she got in, she decided it was jammies time so snuggled in her biggest, fluffiest onesie.

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