wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Another that isn't actually mine. After church a stack of us went off for dinner to farewell someone moving to Newcastle. A friend took my camera, and I ended up with shots of the toilet (yes, really), light fittings, and powerpoints. I was going to use a photo of a few of us, but just couldn't stop looking at this one.

Went to the church I'll be working at for the next 6 months in the morning, just to see how things happen there and start to become a familiar face. This stretched into morning tea and lunch with friends. I washed the floors in the afternoon, and went off to church, after which the aforementioned dinner occurred. We had so many nice pizzas. Lots of intriguing flavours - tandoori chicken, hoisin duck, lamb. Mmmmmm.

Friday's up. I've had time to go through the squillions niece R took at her brothers' birthday party, so it's now just here.

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