
By strawhouse

Baking Day!

You know those dreams where you're trying to get somewhere or get something done and you can't - you just go round in circles getting thwarted at every turn..... That's what my day was like!!
I'm sorry to keep banging on about Miss L's card but my God it's been ridiculously difficult to get it finished and in the post. If it didn't go today there'd be no point.
It was all finished apart from the photo of the birthday girl. No problem: quickly pop to Tescos to print one off to stick it on. I chose this one in colour and took it along to Tescos...
The stupid photo machine declined all three cards I tried to use. First of all I assumed 30p was too little amount to put on a card so I tried ordering 5 prints. But that didn't work and it just kept declining the cards. There is no problem with any of the cards so I asked for a supervisor to come and help me. A horrible little jobsworth smugly said I obviously had insufficient funds and that wasn't their problem. Really, insufficient funds for 30p? I really would be in trouble! In the end I just left before I slapped the jobsworth around the face with the fishfingers I'd just bought with my working perfectly credit card
I drove to Boots hoping they had a photo printer. They did and it's lovely and old fashioned letting you pay an actual person with actual cash! Although she did tell me to take Miss L off the counter for "health and safety reasons" Pah!
That all took so long it was practically time to go and get Miss E from school!
I finished the bloody card which I'm now heartily sick of masterpiece and went back into Buckingham to post it. I drove round in circles trying to park near the post office and then realised I'd come without the CBeebies address, reached for my phone to check and realised I'd come out without my phone. Oh my God.
Went to a phone box (for the first time in about 10 years) and called Mr K who only just had time to get me the address before getting cut off. Went to the post office which isn't a post office but a sorting office. A bloody sorting office!!!!!!!
By this time I'm losing the will to live.....
Breathing deeply I trudged to the post office, bought an A3 envelope (which surprisingly, given the day I was having, was actually big enough!) and posted it. Woohoo!!!!
They'd better bloody show it!
On a brighter note, we baked lovely chocolate fudge cakes this afternoon. Yesterday was an awful day with Miss E - lots of shouting and crying (from both of us!) and I wanted today to be a bit nicer. So a lovely after school baking session. And a ridiculous amount of willpower from me not to eat any of them.

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