A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Sunlit woodland path.

We walked this morning about an hour and a half later than usual, so the sun was up and streaming through the trees when we walked along the lower edge of the St Ives Estate on the edge of our village. These are two of my fellow walkers. A walks everyday with her sisters dog Toby who is hiding behind a bush a little way along the path. (He is a Westie so he is just a tiny hint of white near the muddy bit of path.)

A few minutes later though we had a short shower but it was still very pleasant without that awful wind.

After a quick shower Chris and I set off for the train to Leeds. we went to enquire about my (our) big trip to NZ. It was very helpful as a planning exercise but basically we are about 2 months too soon. Still it made me fell quite excited. This will be my big trip, Chris had his last year to the states, so now I can scan the internet to fill in the details before we make the actual booking.

As we were out we went to Loch Fyne for a late lunch. Lovely. Time for a nap now!

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