Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

When working mums...

...walk in through the door they're fair game.

One of the things I do on the drive home from work is steel myself for the onslaught when I walk in through that front door.

"Mummy! Mummy! Look what I built. And read's a book list of suggested books from my teacher. Can we get a few? M was so mean today, she pinched O really really hard and he was trying not to cry. And don't forget the money for the music festival entry tomorrow. Mrs. B. says it's thirteen pounds, or it might have been fifteen. And you need to bake cakes for Thursday because it's Year 4's turn to supply the cakes. Can we bake chocolate muffins tonight. Daddy is going to set me up a blog so I can practice my typing...chatter...chatter...chatter."


"Mummy, I want a hug. Pick me up. Come and see my train track. Daddy let me watch OO Tube and I saw trains falling in the water. Can I have ice cream with chocolate sprinkles? Can I wipe my nose all over your work suit because in toddler world there is no higher accolade than slime."


Boing...boing...boing...."WOOF...Pay attention to me...I am the cute hairy smelly one and I need a walk right now" boing...boing...boing..." it supper time yet? must be supper time because you are home from work and that means walk time and supper time and I love you, and please let me jump up and ladder your tights because in doggy world there is no higher accolade than laddered hosiery..."

I have working friends with four, five and six children...AND dogs...PLURAL!

I have no idea how they cope with the onslaught, but I'm guessing valium may feature large.

This is the hairy smelly one (or at least one of the hairy, smelly ones), fully walked and satiated and posing for a blip...almost. He turned his head at the last minute, but I still kind of liked it :-)

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