
By Barking

Rain, rain and more rain ... then some wind

The day dawned bright and clear. Barking and Cousteau leapt out of bed, refreshed after a good night's sleep. They raced to the window and threw it open, bathed in the soft warm light of the morning sun.

Yeah, right.

I woke up this morning after a disturbed night. Cousteau got me up twice needing to go outside and I couldn't sleep 'cause my head was full of stuff. It was blowing a gale and peeing it down outside. The builders next door descended with their loud radio, barking dogs and banging. Yippee.

Anyhoo, the good news is that I have finished my assignment. I just need to print it out for a read and then I'll be able to send it off.

We popped out at lunchtime between downpours and went for a very blowy walk on the beach.

Not sure what's going on with this photo but I like the paintingly feel of it and the fact that the wind was blowing the grass about.

Not a very imaginative blip today, but needs must and at least the assignment's done.

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