
Goodness knows what this chap is collecting. I would guess oysters though. The tide is waaaay out this evening, further than usual so I suspect there are more oysters that usual exposed. I took this right down at the end of the Wynnum Pier. To give you an idea of water levels, his head would probably be a foot underwater at high tide. Maybe.

Today was quite fun becuase I got to take my bike for a blast. I actually had to go into work to tie up some loose ends from last night so I decided to take the bike for fun and to see how it was going after I messed with the gearbox without refering to a manual.

It was fine.

My plan was to do a bit of night fishing on the bay tonight but it is just a bit too windy. Too bad. Maybe tomorrow.

So it's off to some friends for pizza and maybe a beer. Only one mind you, I have to drive tonight.

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