Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Birthday and Wedding Anniversary

Today was sunny and cold. 33 walkers set off on the long walk from Halton lea Gate, while another 17 did the short walk from Brocolitia and 3 went on a recce for the a Walking Festival walks. We all had a great time.

The sky was blue and almost cloud free all day.

Here is H at the coffee break. Today is his birthday (60 something.....) and it is his wedding anniversary. If I'd realised that I would have dragged included his wife in the photo. They married when H was 25 and that was 42 years ago.

H and C gave me the book The Art of Photography by Bruce Barnbaum for my recent 60th. It is a fascinating read and I'm enjoying it very much.

Last night at the Photo Club we watched 500 winning images from the NCPF Digital Images Exhibition. There were quite a few where there was a portrait set to one side and then a background that had been processed. I thought H might enjoy my version!!

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