Wellington Point

Jo and I ran an errand to her Father's place this evening. That on top of another huge day at work.


Not much room for a blip...

or maybe there was.

We stopped in at Wellington Point on the way home and this is the result. I managed to have a brief chat with the fellow in the shot. He was jigging for squid without much luck so he wandered off down the shore casting every few metres.

As for me, my problem was lens flare. I got a few shots without flare but I chose this one because there is a real person in the frame. A bit of creative black and white has hidden the flare to the casual observer and a hint of tint finished the photo. I am pleased with it.

It might be the weekend but I have to go into work tomorrow. As usual on the weekend I am going to mix business with pleasure and take the bike for a run. The new tyres should be fun on a longer run. I took the bike for a brief but furiously fast run tonight and everything feels good. I am pleased with the new tyres.

Just for a change we don't have any commitments for the weekend. I might finish a friends folio I have been working on (for six months!) and perhaps on Sunday we can take Dad of Andy's hands for a few hours.

As my Dad would say: Play it by ear.

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