The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Never Forget

I pass this large Oak every day in my car, but whenever I go on my fitness walks, I make a point of stopping and seeing what is new at the "Remembrance Tree."

This is a very old tree, and boasts a 5 foot 9 inch diameter, and a 217 inch circumference. It has been dedicated to the families in my town, who lost loved ones on 9-11-01. Glen Rock has a beautiful memorial to its 11 lost citizens, who died on that beautiful September day at the hands of terrorists, but this tree sits in the yard of one of those grieving families, and has gradually attracted other families of 9-11 victims.

There are all sorts of items present, and today, there were a few new items, including this sign and the tape measure. The shingles and weights are also new.

My family moved from Chicago to New York during the week of 9-11. It was a terrible time for us, and the chaos in NYC prevented us from moving to New Jersey for 6 months.

We chose to live in Glen Rock because it looked similar to our former hometown in Illinois, and we loved the tree lined streets and lovely parks. At the time, we didn't know how special the folks who live here really are, but somehow, it turned out to be a great place for us all.

Glen Rock will never forget 9-11, and neither should anyone else.

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