Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Strange Spring Day

First, I apologize for having a terrible image to put up., what a strange weather day. Here in the Portland/Vancouver area it has been mostly a steady cold rain. What you don't see in this photo of the new greenery in the woods is that there is also snow mixed in with that rain now and then. Further south in Oregon has been hit with a snow storm. One that has dropped inches of wet, sloppy snow! Good grief. Other Oregon blippers will know doubt have some snow pictures posted.

Today I did get out in the slop and I found a good deal for me at JCPenney for new glasses. I still get an employee discount which amounted to an additional 25% off the sale price. I am also getting their sunglass sale and added on sunglasses that will have my prescription and the polarized lenses that are so nice. One assumes that the sun will return one day and I will be able to put those to good use. I can't wait to get them, and that is how sad my life is. New glasses...whoo hoo!! LOL The two together cost less than the one pair of frames I was looking at in another store. But to be somewhat fair, that other store had higher end frames.

Take care Blippers! See ya later, God willing and the creek don't rise.

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