
I thought I'd better make the most of the sun today so I spent late morning and the afternoon pruning shrubs and tidying up bricks that have come out of the house. And it's been very beautiful outside. The forecast is for a big change in the weather and maybe even snow next week!

The day began very early for me, which meant I was able to get one of the teacher projects edited and ready for the web. I've decided I'm going to construct a Wordpress website to hold it as an interim measure, as I think it may take a long time for it to appear on the GA website, which is not fair to the people who've worked so hard to produce it. They want to see it up there right now! We'll also be able to refer the people who attend our conference website to our resources.

The Magnolia is in our new garden, which we actually bought as a present for Ken (our now departed neighbour). He'd always wanted one. Unfortunately it is now too big to transplant and anyway the garden in their new house is very small.

Glyn came this afternoon (they've been working on another job for two days which was already booked into their diary). He's expecting to knock through downstairs on Tuesday - so more packing up in store for this weekend and some time to drape plastic around the stairs so the dust doesn't travel up them. I guess the sooner we get over this phase the better. It's not going to be pleasant!

Our plumber has finished the outside plumbing for the bathroom and downstairs cloakroom and he's replaced the damaged pipes. It looks so much better for all his efforts. He was going home to enjoy a bottle of wine tonight! Maybe we'll do the same.

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