A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Ladies (and dogs) who walk!

It's here! 730 blips!

What a pressure to think of what to do.

So many changes in my life over the last two years, one of which is my regular morning walks with the ladies and dogs. So as I was walking this morning I asked their indulgence to take a self timer shot of all of us. C, in lilac, I walk with in the afternoons too ( corinthian column); A with Toby, the westie and S with Buster the chocolate lab are the authors of many of our walks, and D in orange is my next door neighbour. We often have R with Meg too but not on a Monday.
I dashed to the back so you can't really see my special blipday T. shirt which says
'Someone gave me this camera and I'm going to take photographs of every thing I see! Very appropriate I thought - and cheap!
I chose this one as the dogs are remarkably looking straight at the camera. My self timer takes three shots and the dogs were alerted to the shutter sound after the first one. This was a rather more fun idea but the dogs were causing chaos as usual! Both shots are taken in our lovely St Ives estate right on our doorstep and as we keep saying ' Aren't we lucky!' Thank you ladies!

The main change is that I am now retired which has afforded me more time to walk and take photographs.
I am not sure if my photos are improved as I am not particularly interested in technical prowess more in composition, but certainly I am now more observant and see potential 'blips' wherever I go.
I certainly do appreciate the technical ability and artistic talent of others, too numerous to name - with perhaps the exception of gladders - 'Arnside and beyond'- who continually astounds me with his stunning shots. As seen here most recently.
The most important thing that I have gained is 'cyber' friendship from across the globe; New Zealand; Australia; America; Canada; Scandinavia; Scotland; England; Ireland and Wales. Perhaps most importantly the Yorkshire blippers, who all know who they are, some of whom I have met and others I hope to meet. I love seeing your interpretation of our locality, rural and industrial. Fabulous all.

Lastly a special mention to my blip 'mother' Wendles56 who started this all for me - thank you again- and now I have my own blip 'daughter' corinthian column! More to come I hope.

Thank you all for your comments and wonderful photos.

Here's to the next year.

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