It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

A Day of Many Coffee's

It was a busy day for a day off!

First thing, I met an old friend Richie for a coffee at Wellington. Although we keep up to date on each other's Blip's, I've not seen him in over 10 years. He's into coffee, cameras, techno music and to a lesser extent bikes so we weren't short of stuff to talk about. The Red Brick espresso from Square Mile was consistent as ever.

After that, I went up to Black Medicine to meet another friend, Ola....who's in the Blip, for a good old chinwag! More coffee too! We've always got a million things to talk about so time is always short.

As it was still pissing down, I went into the National Gallery. Although I kinda get how the Titians' and Rembrandts are viewed asmasterpieces, they don't seem to resonate me, There's far too many 1500-1700 Italian religious paintings for my liking in the gallery. The McTaggarts in the Scottish room down the stairs are far more to my taste. Still, not a bad way to spend an hour.

Then I walked down through Dean Village, along the Waters of Leith and up to the Gallery of Modern Art. I went to number 2 gallery for the first time but there were only a few rooms to see and I wasn't paying £7 for the exhibition up the stairs. My walk continued through Stockbridge and on to Canonmills. Although I had been in the new Earthy at the weekend, I hadn't tried the coffee, needed to make a call and have a seat. Gahhh.... it had shut early....some opening teething problems one suspects.

I then bumped into Graham, an old cycling friend who just happens to be on the same course as Ola....spooky. Sheesh....I never met so many people that I knew when I actually lived in Edinburgh. Still needing coffee and a snack, I decided to go to Broughton Deli. As always, their cake was amazing, an orange and raspberry sponge. I honestly haven't tasted better cake than they make here. My latte wasn't too bad either but it was served in a mug.

Then it was back to R's as I promised to cook dinner.....I am grateful to be relaxing now!

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