
By LeeAnne

Home sweet home...

I like holidays, but I like coming home too!

Got back this afternoon, woohoo to central heating, my own bed and a decent internet connection!

I'd like to be able to tell you that I built this VW Beetle but alas I can't claim the credit. I think Gem would probably like to say that she built it too but alas she can't either. The minute that Jipper saw it, he was all over it like a rash. Even Gem's hard stares weren't putting him off. He managed it in about three hours!! Boys are such geeks!!



Diggers appears to have had a lovely time with my parents, he's spent lots of time out in the garden, I'll need to get the grass cut at the flat and spend some time outside with him here. Still... he doesn't appear to be in the huff with me and I've had a cuddle. Winner!

I've dumped all my stuff in the bedroom, I've got my clothes ready for work and I'm just about to go to bed. It's pretty safe to say that I'm knackered. Too many late nights and no long lies have caught up with me. I'll get back to commenting this week and try to catch up with all your blips. It's amazing just how much you miss all your internet friends when you're stuck out in the sticks! Hope you're all well!

Two other things...

Molly's challenge

I didn't know Molly but I have read some of her journal and it's very easy to see how much a part of the community she was. There's a thread on the forum for 7th May and I think it's a lovely tribute to someone who was clearly so well thought of.

And a wee reminder that we're doing dinner... April Spoons... on Friday 27th April. Wanna come?

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