Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Gary Giraffe!

So, I'm almost up to date with blips, after being well over a month behind! Wow!

I don't give up easily on things, you see! Despite the fact that some folk give the impression that they think I'm a bit of a flighty piece, I'm actually rather persistent!

If I wasn't, I'd have stuck my head in the oven long ago!

Which would have been useless, since it's an electric oven - I'd have just ended up with a very hot and very dirty head!!!!

Anyway, I read a comment last night from my friend Bundle, who wished to see Gary in all his glory - so here he is, standing in our bedroom! Isn't he SPLENDID?

The Wonderspouse is crazy, and I love him! :-)

(If you missed the story of how Gary came to live with us, it's on the blip for the 3rd April)

Notable events today
- catching up with A LOT of blip uploading (I did 22 entries, all with commentary).
- working on my CV.
- starting back on my OU work properly.
- eating proper lunch.
- getting the washing up to date.
- starting work on the cage cleaning.

That sort of thing!

Busy times!

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