
By strawhouse

My Gorgeous Girl in the Garden

Yay to sunny days and getting outside!!!
Mr K was working again today just for a change so it was just me and the Little Misses. We had a lazy morning - well they did, I spent most of it on my hands and knees in the kitchen scrubbing the floor. Mopping white lino doesn't really work especially when it hasn't been mopped properly for months and the grime is becoming a bit ingrained..... And who the hell puts white lino in the kitchen anyway?!!!
So it was neat bleach and elbow grease and now it's gleaming - and ridiculously white, who knew?!!!!
Then we went over to Nana and Papas for some gardening and cake at the garden centre.
Miss L was very helpful and did lots of watering!
She is beautiful, funny, bright and very very mischievous. She's wonderful!
Just wanted to say!

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