Derelict Thursday: TOGOF

I noticed this the other day when I photographed the calm scene, upriver from here. The conditions were very different today with a leaden grey sky and a strong wind blowing spits of drizzle in my face.

TOGOF? Take One Get One Free or two derelict buildings for the price of one. A bonus for you before the challenge takes its two week break over Christmas and New Year. I liked the fact that I could take the newer structure through the gap in the wall of the older ruin but the head on viewpoint wasn't quite right. A couple of paces to the left gave a better angle.

This is in the grounds of a rather nice house by the river. The iron flood defences have their own rusty charm, in my opinion, and I preferred it in colour on this occasion.

It's the Thursday Jammers' Christmas party this evening so that should be fun. Have a good evening.


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