My Poor Little Dog.....

Rumi has decided that he needs to eat himself from the outside in...his tail is mangled...he is always itchy and scratching himself silly (except when rolling in fish).....his body is full of lumps and bumps and he is really very unhappy......and the worst thing he is not very hungry for his dinner anymore (very unusual).
I have taken him to the vet..he has had injections... pills ...cream...special shampoo (more expensive than mine I might add) and still he is one sad ...smelly little camper...and I am nearly in tears wondering what I can do.

Why I am writing this is that perhaps one of you out there has a dog with similar problems and have cracked the case...I hope.....I am at my wits end now.

The new site.....Hmmmm! there are things I really like about it and others I just cant seem to wrap my head around...not so good with change these days (must be getting ancient)...not sure about the blinding white....and I cannot upload using Firefox and have to use Chrome....weird.

I am so behind with everything but I am on the road to catching up now.

“If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.”
Mark Twain

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