
By KirstyHalbert


One of those days today where I my 'to do' list was as long as my arm but I only managed to tick off the littlest of the jobs! I woke up early and made a half-hearted attempt at some cleaning, before popping out to the shops to see if I could find a skirt for a celidh this evening. I must have tried on nearly every skirt in Aberdeen with no luck at all... How can it be that when you have no money, you see a million things you want - but as soon as you resign yourself to spending, nothing seems quite right? When I got home, I found a perfectly acceptable dress in the back of my wardrobe, ate a quick tea and headed off to G's house for a glass or two of wine before heading out to the MAD (Make a Difference) charity celidh in Milltimber. I absolutely love celidhs; the Scottish have got entertainment spot-on... So much fun, a great ice-breaker, brilliant music... All for charity too. After lots (and lots) of spinning around, I was more than ready for my bed. I only took a couple of photos (too busy enjoying myself!) but this is of a group of my work colleagues dancing... This particular move is known as the The Basket, where the women are lifted up and spun round until their feet leave the floor. As it happens, most of the men I work with are hardly shy of 6 foot, so I gave this one a miss... Poor L's feet are about half a metre off the ground here! Sore heads all round on Sunday morning.

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